Assistant managers at popular fast-food chains are losing $1,000s each year in unpaid overtime.
Don’t let it happen to you.
You have to understand your rights in order to protect yourself!
If you’re paid a salary, but you spend all day at the cash register, you should be paid for overtime. You were promoted for a reason. Or did they just give you a fancy title change? You deserve all the privileges that come with being an assistant manager, not just the extra work.
Being an assistant manager comes with extra work and extra hours. Every hour over 40 that you work must be paid at time and half. Off-the-clock work is completely illegal!
You may have been paid a few bonuses during your time as assistant manager at a fast-food restaurant. Receiving a bonus increases your straight time rate for the pay period which increases your overtime rate for the pay period. Check your paystubs to see if your overtime rate is correct!
Evaluating your paystubs is a confusing process. That’s why we help you do it for free! We’ve sued many popular fast-food chains like Burger King, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, and more. We know what to look for in your paystubs and how to help you if your wage rights have been violated. The first step in getting justice is having a free and confidential wage evaluation. Have any questions? Contact us at 501-443-4941 or through the form below.

Sanford Law Firm
10800 Financial Centre Pkwy
Suite 510, Little Rock, AR 72211
Josh Sanford, Responsible Attorney